Painless Return to Work Temperature Testing
Businesses that remain operational during the COVID-19 pandemic or are currently planning a Return to Work policy are faced with the challenge of determining what they can do to minimise the risk of spreading the virus whilst still being able to provide products and services to their clients and communities. Many essential service employers have started screening employees’ temperatures in an effort to ensure employees with symptoms don’t infect their co-workers.
Those employers opting to test employee temperatures to protect employees’ health and safety and to minimise their own risk are choosing Facial Recognition technology. Forehead scanners minimise the amount of contact.
Should employees be remunerated for time spent having their temperature taken (and waiting in line to do so) will likely be a discussion within People and Culture organisations across the country. However, even if such a test is not required, both good employee relations and legal requirements may counsel in favour of paying employees for their time.
If the employee’s remuneration time begins with the temperature check (or waiting in line), all subsequent pre-shift activities could likely be remunerated. Organisations would need to implement Best Practices regarding staggered shifts, this would reduce the amount of time spent by employees passing through a temperature-checking process.
Have a look at this video which demonstrates the use of facial recognition temperature testing in office buildings, foyers or entrances to buildings.